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Q&A Seminar

Q & A

Common Questions & Answers

Q: Is MAREA App only providing audio clips? What if I’m more of a visual learner?

A: The audio clips in the MAREA App’s beta version are designed to be sufficient without visual instructions. In the future App releases, we will add visuals depending on the instruction complexity of specific episodes. But keeping in mind that MAREA App wants users to observe our child, a visual-oriented guide would take the observation away constantly. An audio-only interface also allows users to be mobile, hands-free to be more interactive with our baby. 


Q: How to select which audio clips to listen to?

A: MAREA App’s audio clips are designed based on the prerequisite skills a baby already attains, as opposed to the baby’s age, since we know that baby milestones vary greatly across many months for different babies.

Q: How is MAREA App different from other parenting apps and courses? 

A: MAREA App is taking a completely different approach than the existing parenting support solutions. 

  1. It is designed to be listened to at the same time a parent/caregiver is looking after the active/awake baby, not when the baby is sleeping. You deserve a break from all these "baby stuff" at their naptime!

  2. MAREA takes a holistic approach to parenting. We don’t teach a single topic per audio clip. Our audio clips are based on scenarios (e.g. give a house tour to your baby for the first time, eat your meal in front of your baby to prepare them for starting solids). During any interaction with our baby, there are many areas of learning simultaneously for both our baby, the parents and any caregivers. MAREA App is not “baby-centric” (focusing only on baby’s motor, language, social skill development etc.) It is also meant to support parents’ mental and physical health through self-introspection and guided meditation. For caregivers (such as grandparents), MAREA App hopes to provide the latest science-backed information without requiring them to read additional books or attend workshops.

Q: Can Montessori start from birth? I’ve only seen it applied to school-aged children.

A: Absolutely it can! For example, Dr. Montessori designed a series of baby mobiles that take into account the baby’s physiological development in the early months after birth. She explains in her book “The Absorbent Mind” that children have an absorbent mind from birth to six years old. In the first three years, the absorption is “unconscious”, meaning the mind is constantly absorbing impressions from the environment without knowing that it is doing so. This is a powerful reminder for newborn parents that babies are absorbing whatever (both good and bad) is given to them.

Q: Can I listen to some sample audio clips?

A: We have uploaded several audio clips here! Please let us know what you think by emailing us at

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